Short Blonde Lace Front Wig

Short Blonde Lace Front Wig
A good friend of mine, a young woman recently bought herself a beautiful blonde lace front wigs. She had seen them on someone else but figured it would be nice to have one of her own. Well, needless to say she got quite a nice one. It just so happens that she loves the color and how it looks on her. So now that the wig is on her, will she put it on again? Will she ever wear it again?
Of course, she loves her blonde lace front wig, it's the best thing she has purchased in a long time. But will she wear it again? Now that the wig is on her head, she is afraid to wear it again. Will she put it on and then take it off, possibly getting a new one or just keep wearing the same old one?
My advice is to just allow her to wear her lace front wig as much as she wants to. Yes, you might want to sit down with her and go over what she can and cannot do with it. Does she have to keep the wig on her head the entire time? Does she need to get a new one every now and then? You may be able to work out an arrangement with her where she gets to keep the wig on her head for however many times she wants to.
There is another situation that has happened to someone I know, and if you are like me, you probably have already heard about it. A lady purchased a lace front wig but did not wear it for several months. Then, when it was time to renew the warranty, the wig was no longer available. This person was not very happy with the fact that she had wasted money on a product that did not last very long. Luckily, she was able to put a claim down on her lace front wig.
This is one situation that is not likely to happen, but it is possible. Another thing that could happen is that your wig will break. Wigs are generally made from real human hair, so even if yours breaks, you can simply get a wig with a replacement part. If you are unhappy with your short blonde wigs, you should always try to get a replacement wig.
Wigs are an item that people can be very picky about. While it may seem simple, it is very important to find a wig that fits your face. Do not let someone talk you into buying a wig that does not look right. Just because a celebrity wears a short blonde lace front wig does not mean that it looks good on you. So, take some time to shop around, look at pictures of wigs, and really consider your options before making your purchase.
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