Drag Queen Wigs Manufacturers
Drag Queen Wigs Manufacturers
Wigs, also known as hair systems or hair replacements, have become a popular style accessory for people of all ages and genders.drag queen wigs manufacturers For drag queens, wigs are an essential part of their show and allow them to create the elaborate and glamorous looks needed for their performance. Wigs are available in a wide variety of styles, lengths, and colors to help any person express their creativity and individuality.
James Hoagland, who performs as the queen Gigi Monroe in Juneau, makes his living by making wigs for drag queens.drag queen wigs manufacturers In a small studio, he spends hours styling hair and stitching it onto wig caps. Last year he sold about 300 of the pieces, mostly in the lower 48 states.
Hoagland began his career in drag while on a cruise ship. He used to perform as a Liza Minnelli impersonator and made some good money. He started his wig business as a way to earn extra money while he was on the road, and now it’s his full-time job.
His work reflects his artistic sensibility, and he’s careful not to make his wigs look like a generic wig you could buy at a costume shop. Most of his clientele are drag queens, so he makes sure his wigs look like real-life cisgendered women. He also tries to stay current with pop culture, adding new styles to his inventory when they hit the news.
Vanity, a former winner of Rupaul’s Drag Race, and Courtney, her partner in Wigs by Vanity, founded the company largely because they were frustrated with not being able to find flawless lace-front wigs on the market. Using Courtney’s business savvy, they combined their talents to develop a system where they hand-knot and ventilate each piece strand by strand to create a one-size-fits-most wig.
In addition to creating wigs, they design and manufacture their own line of drag styles. They also sell their designs to other manufacturers and license their product. The business is growing so fast that they’ve hired a staff member to help with customer service, quality control, and post. But even with the growing team, they say their hands-on approach to each wig is still the key to their success.
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